About us...
Our story
In October of 2020, the lives of everyone in my family was changed forever. Michael, our youngest child was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer, Glioblastoma grade 4. The odds were against us in many ways. First of all this form of brain cancer can take someone in a matter of months and Michael’s was already pretty advanced. Secondly, Michael didn’t know the Lord and at the tender age of 14, this is something that could have sent him even further from God in anger. Our God is a God of hope, healing and restoration. We prayed and expected miracles because we have seen God work so many in our lives. We prayed for many things, healing, ministry, opportunity to share and for lives to be touched and changed. The Lord brought spiritual healing to Michael. He came to love God through this disease and he was eager to be baptized. Although the Lord did not grant the physical healing we petitioned for, he gave us so many of the other request. The Lord never promised that we would not endure trials, but he DID promise that he would be there with us through the storm. We hope that through our story you will not only see the love and grace of the Lord but be encouraged to train yourself to fight those spiritual battles that come with trials.
About me
Strong Spirit. Soft Heart.
I am not a writer but I am a woman who is finally submitting to be who the Lord made me to be. Naturally aggressive, strong-willed and relentless, I spent many years using those traits to achieve the wrong goals. Being brought to my knees after my youngest son, Michael, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer, I decided to finally let the Lord have the control over my life that I fought to manipulate for far too many years. As Michael’s disease progressed and until his death, I learned to turn to the Lord for strength, comfort, protection and joy in every situation. It wasn’t always easy but it was always a choice. Michael along with my entire family was also changed through this trial. My prayer is that through the sharing of our experiences and the lessons we learned as a family through the trials, you will be encouraged and strengthened you in your relationship with Jesus. May it also remind you that your are more than a conqueror through Him.
Talk to us
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about our story and share what the Lord has shown us.